Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So... What Do You Get From This Commercial?

There's a new McDonald's commercial called "Intellectuals." It begins with two women "reading" newspapers in an upscale, Starbucksian-establishment. The first woman says, "You know, I heard McDonald's is making lattes now." The other woman says: "McDonald's? Well that's just…it's fantastic!" Woman 1 replies: "Now we don't have to listen to jazz all day long!" Woman 2 concurs: "I can start wearing heels again!" Eventually, one woman admits, "I don't know where Paraguay is!" Get it? They're sick of pretending to be classy, cafĂ©-loving intellectual ladies. They want to be "regular" American women! In other words, they want to be idiots that can coffee through the drive through!!

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