Thursday, April 17, 2008

Painfully Pale...

Evan Rachel Woods is painfully pale. Who likes pale people? It looks terrible to me- but is it because I'm immersed in a "western" culture. In the "east", the whiter you are- the better. In fact that are whitening booths in China, rather than tanning. What's that about? Then again, have you seen an Asian women in her 50s+, no Botox necessary...maybe they're on to something.


Dana Lynn said...

Ok, so I'm wondering what a tanning booth consists of? How do you whiten yourself? Suck the pigments out?? I don't get it.

Dana Lynn said...

Oh woops.. I didnt mean what a tanning booth consists of.. I mean what a pale booth consists of... like, how does that work?

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to "skin whitening" if you want to read more:

Arika said...

wasn't she dating marilyn manson? that kind of explains everything.

HLB said...

She's dating Marilyn Manson and she fell off her rocker. She looks hideous.