Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ways To Waste Money

This is quite a disturbing wake up call... or not. I clicked on the below article to see what are the biggest ways to waste money thinking that I would only fall victim to a few of them - this is UNBELIEVABLE. Almost all of them applied to me!!! This is ridiculous- some of these items are just a bit overboard and I refuse to think of them as "wasteful".

Bottled water (kind of understand that- but wahtever), OJ at restaurants, Starbucks, Las Vegas, Cable TV, toilet paper (WHAT? what else would someone use??), eating out, designer clothing (for kids - but if I had kids, I'd probably buy some designer pieces - at least to wear out..), wrapping paper (I'm obsessed with making presents look pretty), trash bags (is there an alternative??), "extra" packaging, paper checks, new cars, text messaging (this is unreal), hair salons (no comment) and lawn maintenance.

I was thinking they would say something like - "buying that extra TV", "excessive jewels" or even a trip to the spa - no such luck.

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