Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Shitting Your Money Away

Remember that Dave Chapelle "Cribs" skit in which he sprinkles diamond dust on all of his food, so his "dookie glitters" (if you haven't seen it, e-mail me, and I'll forward you the skit)... well, now you can do it too - with gold.

If you've got so much money that you're just looking for new ways to waste it, Tobias Wong and Ju$t Another Rich Kid created the "Gold Pill" just for you. It's a pill dipped in gold and filled with 24-karat gold leaf. You're supposed to eat it "to increase your self-worth." That would be funny if it didn't cost $425 for the joke. Supposedly an added benefit is that it will make your poop sparkle, but no one seems to have proven that part yet (and if you do, please don't send me the pictures).


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