Tuesday, March 25, 2008

She's Just Being Miley

Remember when you and your best friend made videos of yourselves as if you were a talk show host, interviewing each other? Unfortunately for some, home videos can be as easily posted as hitting the enter button these days.

In any event, Miley Cyrus dedicated the latest episode of "The Miley and Mandy Show" (a YouTube based show) to fan questions and Jesus, and not necessarily in that order. Apparently the show is unleashed on unsuspecting YouTube users to make them want to convert or just put a shot gun to their head. Mission accomplished. Here's a snippet of the mind-numbing conversation:

"We love Jesus! Jesus rocks! She dances for Jesus. I sing, dance and act for Jesus! Now that I think about it, I do everything for Jesus. We make the YouTube videos for Jesus. We’re all about it." (FAST FORWARD TO ABOUT 6:12.. or else suffer the mind numbing consequences.

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