Friday, June 6, 2008

This Is One Hilarious Chick

Kate Beckinsale is full of gems. First, she said she'd rather eat vagina than sushi( - see Question 6) . Now, she's telling Glamour magazine that her awesome skills in the sack give her a free pass from sandwich making. “I’m the worst wife in the cooking department. I always thought you can’t be good at food and sex, but you can always order the food in. I’d rather he didn’t order in the sex.”

Just for the sake of you not having to click, the full text of the above "sushi" question is:
You told an interviewer you'd rather eat a vagina than sushi. When stuff you say makes headlines, what's the reaction of your publicity team? I have to say, sushi freaks me out more than almost anything. At least a vagina would be warm. My publicist has literally turned a funny color and is going to go have a lie-down. He's throwing up now, as well. I find a lot of things kind of funny and I often say what's on my mind, and then get nine texts from all my friends going, "What's the matter with you?" But I haven't ever made a big attempt to have any particular image. And I don't really worry about it.

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