Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Washable Suits Are Like Wet Dreams...Wait, That Came Out Wrong

I hate wearing a suit for a few reasons. One, it solidifies the fact that I'm working. Two, I don't have to dress up in my office and BIG three, I hate going to the dry cleaners and shelling out money (cheap-o alert). I would rather throw away my clothes and buy new ones - literally. My cleaning issues aside, I am betting the concept of a washable suit would be music to many people's ears. Guess what? Washable suits really do exist. Designer Nicole Miller has designed a washable suit for retailer JCPenney. This $129 suit can be thrown in the washing machine and in the dryer!

Well, how about the ironing board? Nope! Just hang it up and it's ready for another wear. Cindy Yu, NY attorney, test-drove the suit for an article in the NY Post and expected the suit to look unprofessional and cheap but she was wrong. The suit looked great after she washed it and no one knew it was a "budget" suit. Maybe they were lying to her, but to me the lies would be worth saving a trip to the dry cleaners. JCPenney isn't the only place to buy washable suits; Kohls and Target carry washable suits as well. Then wear one of those Brooks Brothers button downs...and you're set!

Wash and wear suits, me love you long time.

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