Friday, October 12, 2007

Confessions of a Matchmaker

We're at that age where all of our "taken" friends are trying to hook up their (pathetic) "single" friends... in an event, here are 6 tips given by Lisa Kogan, professional matchmaker.

Six simple rules for setting up friends:

1. The Native Americans or the Arabs or the Japanese or some other highly evolved culture I can't think of and I'm too lazy to look up have this theory that every time you take a photograph of someone, you steal a bit of their spirit. I maintain that going on a bad blind date has that same effect. Remember that. Avoid phrases like "It's just a drink, or "It's only an hour out of your life." Those hours add up. Do not say, "Hey, they're both single, so what the hell." Do your homework. Think long and hard about whether they're really compatible.

2. Think long and hard about whether they're really straight.

3. Keep expectations low. When describing the mystery suitor, it's best to avoid grand pronouncements à la "I've found you the man of your dreams!" Instead, go with a light, casual, "Well, he's originally from St. Louis and he takes meticulous care of his gums."

4. You're going to be very tempted to try to find out if you made a love connection. Stop! Do not under any circumstance contact either party for postdate details. I mean it. Ditch your cell phone. Cancel your e-mail. If they had a good time, you'll hear about it.

5. Unfortunately, if they didn't have a good time, you'll hear about that, too. If one or both members of the date calls to say, "Your cousin Mitzi was all hands." Or that your brother's former roommate spent 38 minutes discussing the printer's credit at the bottom of the menu, you have but one choice -- fake a seizure. It's hard for people to complain if they think your airways are closing.

6. Being single is not synonymous with being mentally impaired. So if your friends tell you there just wasn't any chemistry, trust them. Don't try to guilt them into another get-together. Don't accuse them of being overly picky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I propose the abolishment of all relationships. Being a mistress is more appealing and fulfilling.